soap opera news - the undercover entertainment of today's television industry.
the kind that washes your brains until it's all nice and blank on the inside.
-the main idea is to sell by presenting irrelevant information as facts of general concern, appealing to their not so innocent target in a way that tv drama does - through detective like investigations and reenactings, human tragedy freeze frames and blood chilling soundtracks; while doing a follow up story is not an implied responsibility, but a question of budgetary interests. just like the typical working girl puts on her face before hitting the streets, the media dresses up in shocking headlines, paints her stories black and blue, ties itself to the trees even if nothings' blowing, spreading panic all around like herpes. and someone always has to pay for the fun.
causes - entertainment is food for the vegetable minds and money in the pockets of those who cultivate it. While some live dull personal lives and others are born with the need to talk about the extraordinary, the news is always a juicier and more appropriate subject than family or weather. doing so, the conversation is immediately directed to safe grounds, meaning that people tend to agree with something that has already been labeled as right/wrong, true/false. this way, talking becomes an exercise of muscles more than a mental stimulation. which is comfortably nice. faking compassion, simulating disapproval, small talk goes around matters of outrageous behavior but of little personal importance like man slaughter over a piece of land in a village with a name you can't pronounce, baptized underwear, fake tits, car crashes, who our soccer players' scored with and their huge ass weddings. all as seen on tv.
-in what concerns political issues, digested info makes it easier to swallow. people are presented with parts of the facts, which gives them a fake sense of seeing the big picture. but most of them are really stumbling in the dark. that's why my grandmas' understanding of a subject depends on what news channel she's been watching.
-our innate taste for watching disaster unfold keeps us from turning our heads whenever we see a car crash. we enjoy pain as long as it's not our own. we love to experience from the comfort of our sofas'. we go on visual journeys, we surf the remote.
related mis-concepts:
drogati - conspicuous looking young men wearing hoods and large pants
manelisti - respectable gypsies with outstanding fashion sense
ecologisti - crazy anarchists who love taking their clothes off in public and hustling good faith corporate employers